Aerification and Seeding

Aerification is a vital part of any turf care plan. Aerification has a few main benefits. It helps to relieve compaction. When an area gets compacted through foot traffic, mechanical usage, or any other means it makes it harder for grass to put down roots. It also locks the soil up by collapsing the pore spaces. The machine that we use goes down 3-4” and vibrates back and forth to shatter the subsurface. This allows those pore spaces to open back up. The next benefit is it provides for better air and water penetration. Over time soil can become so compacted that water has a hard time infiltrating down into the soil profile. By opening up the soil through aerification you allow more air and water to reach the root zone of plants. The last major benefit is an increase of nutrient uptake. By allowing the nutrients a way down into the soil profile it will help the plants find the available nutrients. Most lawns in our area are a mixture of Bluegrass and Fescue. The seed we use is golf course grade Turf Type Tall Fescue. The advances in seed production has allowed the TTTF to be a go to for both lawn professionals as well as sports turf managers. TTTF is more disease and drought tolerant than Bluegrass. It also provides a thicker and darker green lawn.             

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